
  • Specialise in identifying and analysing earth materials, environments and geological processes relevant to industry.
  • Play a key role in the search for fuels and minerals, solutions for climate change or marine and freshwater environments.
  • Gain hands-on, practical skills and field experience using real-world examples and materials.
  • Prepare for a range of careers within the resource or the environmental sector, from field geologist to research scientist, environmental scientist, or hydrologist.
  • Work in environmental consulting or research, tackling geotechnical, groundwater contamination, natural hazards or climate change issues.
  • Study our new Climate Science minor to develop an in-depth understanding of climate change, alternative energy technologies, Earth's natural global change, marine environments, cloud formation, and much more.
  • Graduate eligible for membership in a number of professional societies, such as the Geological Society of Australia and Australian Institute of Geologists.


  • Specialise in identifying and analysing earth materials, environments and geological processes relevant to industry.
  • Play a key role in the search for fuels and minerals, solutions for climate change or marine and freshwater environments.
  • Gain hands-on, practical skills and field experience using real-world examples and materials.
  • Prepare for a range of careers within the resource or the environmental sector, from field geologist to research scientist, environmental scientist, or hydrologist.
  • Work in environmental consulting or research, tackling geotechnical, groundwater contamination, natural hazards or climate change issues.
  • Study our new Climate Science minor to develop an in-depth understanding of climate change, alternative energy technologies, Earth's natural global change, marine environments, cloud formation, and much more.
  • Graduate eligible for membership in a number of professional societies, such as the Geological Society of Australia and Australian Institute of Geologists.

Why choose this course?

If you enjoy working outdoors and are interested in understanding how the world works, then you will find earth science a rewarding area of study. Blending current research issues and problem solving with theory and industry-related, hands-on practicals, the earth science major provides you with a fundamental background to pursue a career in either the resource or the environmental sector. 

What to expect

The Earth is an amazing place and for an earth scientist, it offers a unique natural laboratory that covers space and time. Earth science is a multidisciplinary science that applies chemistry, physics, biology and mathematics tools to understand earth processes, decipher its past and predict its future. Earth scientists work to monitor changes in the Earth’s environment and suggest solutions to problems. They study natural hazards to prevent loss of life and reduce property damage. Earth scientists play key roles in the search for fuels and minerals. Climate change, earthquakes and geothermal energy are just a few of the issues that require knowledge of earth science.

Earth science (also known as geoscience) blends the traditional fields of geology, physical geography and oceanography/ hydrology. Geology describes the rocky parts of the Earth’s crust (or lithosphere) and its development. Physical geography, which studies the Earth’s surface, includes geomorphology, soil science and biogeoscience. The marine and freshwater parts of the Earth define the fields of oceanography and hydrology. 

Careers and outcomes

Careers and outcomes

There is currently a shortage of earth scientists in Australia and employment rates are high and salaries great. Earth scientists are in high demand in the energy sector (oil, gas, coal, geothermal) and exploration and mining industries. Many earth scientists find employment in environmental consulting companies tackling geotechnical, groundwater contamination, natural hazards or climate change issues. Earth scientists may work for government agencies such as CSIRO and Geoscience Australia doing applied research, or for state or local governments. 

Professional recognition

Graduates are eligible for membership in a number of professional societies, such as the Geological Society of Australia, Australian Institute of Geologists and other overseas professional societies. 


Other study options

Possible careers

  • Exploration geologist
  • Geophysicist
  • Geoscientist
  • Government officer
  • Hydrogeologist
  • Laboratory assistant
  • Mapping scientist
  • Marine scientist
  • Mine geologist
  • Natural resource scientist
  • Project manager


Your actual fees may vary depending on which units you choose. We review fees annually, and they may be subject to increases.

2025 fees

2025: CSP $9,000 per year full-time (96 credit points)

2025 fees

2025: $44,600 per year full-time (96 credit points)

2024 fees

2024: CSP $8,800 per year full-time (96 credit points)

2024 fees

2024: $41,800 per year full-time (96 credit points)

Student services and amenities fees

You may need to pay student services and amenities (SA) fees as part of your course costs.

Find out more about undergraduate course fees

HECS-HELP: loans to help you pay for your course fees

You may not have to pay anything upfront if you're eligible for a HECS-HELP loan.

Find out more about government loans


You can apply for scholarships to help you with study and living costs.

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QUT Excellence Scholarship (Academic)

QUT's premier offering for students with outstanding academic achievement.

Scholarship eligibility
Academic performance

QUT Elite Sport Scholarship

QUT's premier offering for students with outstanding sporting achievement.

Scholarship eligibility
Sporting excellence

Equity scholarships scheme

A scholarship for low-income students studying in any faculty.

Scholarship eligibility
Struggling financially

International Merit Scholarship

A high achievement scholarship for future international undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Scholarship eligibility
Academic performance

Oodgeroo Noonuccal Undergraduate & Postgraduate Scholarship

The Oodgeroo Scholarship Program promotes the pursuit of Indigenous Australian studies by supporting the education of Indigenous Australians.

Scholarship eligibility
Indigenous Australian

QUT Budding Entrepreneur Scholarship

A scholarship for innovative individuals who are engaged in their passion for entrepreneurial action.

Scholarship eligibility

QUT Rising Sports Scholarship (including esport)

Opportunities exist for aspiring esports players to be part of an Oceanic leading program that embraces skill-acquisition, culture and academics.

Scholarship eligibility
Sporting excellence

QUT Real World International Scholarship

A scholarship to cover tuition fees, with eligibility based on your prior academic achievements.

Scholarship eligibility
Academic performance